Metro Manila Community Quarantine - Day 1177
Today was both a busy but not too busy Sunday, but overall I feel quite tired. Maybe it's because our main agenda for the day involved a bit of physical activity more than anything else.
We woke up (relatively) early to head down to Sentosa Beach in order to get the boys out of the house. They've largely been cooped up at home this week, so a little sun was in order. And we dodged the afternoon rains by going out sufficiently early. Our beach activities were pretty diverse given the unique dispositions of the boys. One is practically a fish and rarely wants to leave the water. The other wasn't in the mood to get out of the wagon or even be on the sand. So I alternated between watching one as he played in and out of the water or pushing the wagon to keep the younger one preoccupied. It wasn't enough to trigger any Zone minutes on my Fitbit, but at the very least I got a good amount of steps.
The weather shifted by the time we got home and it was a good thing we had already settled down for lunch by the time the rain started coming down. So we had a good Indian lunch and a generous dessert after and then parted ways because I still felt beach-sticky. I probably should have taken a nap, but I didn't and instead read more comics and hung out with Tobie online.
I spent the late afternoon with the boys again and either watched Godzilla-related videos with one or ran back and forth around the unit with the other. Again, each had their own expectations for entertainment and I was glad to try to match them as best as I could.
For this trip, it seems we have really cemented my "identity" as Uncle for now. It'll probably take longer before they pick up my actual name. But with the older one consistently addressing me as Uncle every time he sees me, I'm sure the younger one will follow suit eventually. And I don't mind at all - it's a pretty good identifier and at least I know they properly recognize me and engage with me as an individual.
I have a mostly full workweek in Singapore, which means mainly seeing the nephews at the end of the day. That timing can feel rather limited, especially since they're often asleep by the time we finish up, so we'll see how that will play out. I fly back on Friday, but I'm sure the days will blitz by crazy fast as they always do.
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