Metro Manila Community Quarantine - Day 1175
So we're officially back in Singapore today after spending a good 6+ hours on the road. As much as that includes two pitstops along the way, that was still a pretty lengthy drive from KL to Singapore. But it wasn't too bad a drive, admittedly, except for a bit of traffic closer to the Malaysian border.
We received quite the warm welcome once we got home as the nephews were happy to see us. It's not 100% clear if they were fully conscious of the fact that we were gone for so long or if they just assumed we were all at the office for a long time. The older one used me as a jungle gym while the younger one kept tapping me as if he was playing tag or something. It was quite a frenetic hour or so of interaction, but no regrets at all.
No big plans for tonight - just going to get settled again and probably read. We have some possible things for the weekend including hiking time with my sister and possibly a zoo trip, but we'll see how things pan out. I hope to work on my O Bar media queue sometime during this weekend and some work items I have leftover from our conference week.
Have a good weekend, everyone! You deserve it.
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