Metro Manila Community Quarantine - Day 1169
I've checked in for my flight and filled up both the local electronic departure card and Singapore's electronic arrival card. I've saved offline copies of all pertinent files to my phone, so all that's left is to actually pack my bag for the trip. And I'll settle that tonight before bed except for my final toiletries.
We just finished our online Pendragon RPG session and it went pretty well despite one player being unable to join today. We just had pancakes and chicken for dinner after the game and we should be able to wrap up the final episodes of The Muppets Mayhem before I lose access to the local instance of Disney+ once I'm in Singapore. The only other special item is giving ourselves haircuts before I leave, which just means a quick session with the electric clippers.
And yes, O Bar last night was great. There was some trepidation about the weather, but things turned out to be a lot calmer than expected. The show was great and even included a lot of numbers we had never seen before, which can be a bit of a rare thing for us at times, especially outside of a big event night. But most importantly, we had good company with us and just reconnecting with people was rather important for me right before another trip out.
Now I have to address other things while I have a load of laundry still running in the machine.
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