Metro Manila Community Quarantine - Day 1013
Reading Target: 32 books
Today I was "blessed" with the gift of not having any scheduled meetings on my calendar. Given how busy things have been the past few days, it was nice to just have time to sit at my computer and get through my to-do list items. I had quite a number of reports I wanted to get out and I think I covered my list fully. And the more I clear now, the better the rest of the holiday season will be for me.
We actually had at least one client meeting tomorrow and I had agreed to a few other sessions, so we'll see how that goes. As far as a Friday before a holiday weekend goes, I still seem to have items on my calendar.
In theory, I'm going to be on leave next week while I'm in Boracay with Tobie since I don't think we'll have reliable internet all the time. But given the nature of my role at work, I don't think I'll be able to escape entirely from at the very least checking in with the office people to make sure things are still okay. I just hope we do manage to have decent enough internet while there. I don't mind chipping in at work here and there, but bad internet will literally slow things down and potentially eat into more of our time.
In other news, I'm still feeling the reading crunch for my end-of-year goal, but I'm getting there. I'm still working through different comics to help with the overall count but for novels, I've also shifted to lighter fare. After getting through a 4-novel Star Trek story, I've decided to finally go back to one of my first authors, this being Michael Chrichton. I first read his stuff when I was in the fourth grade because of Jurassic Park and there are actually a good number of his books that I've yet to read because my mom said I wasn't old enough to do so at the time. So this is how I'm going to potentially welcome the new year - by reading (but mostly re-reading) Crichton novels.
Fun stuff.
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