Metro Manila Community Quarantine - Day 993
With Tobie out town for an office thing, the Sietch has been a pretty quiet place. It helps that our office uses Gather Town, so even while working remotely you can still feel a sense of community with the office. Plus this sort of thing somewhat codified the all day conference call that my sister and I had already made a norm before.
I had more than enough work to help the hours go by, so that's some consolation. I've been a bit more minimalist on the meal front. With Tobie out, I only had some leftover kimchi soup for lunch. I also had some sinigang from yesterday as another meal option, but I wanted to save that for Tobie. Funnily enough, he wasn't able to eat some yesterday since he stepped out for a family lunch.
I ordered takeout for dinner since I didn't want to think anymore. It was a long day after all and I'm eager to get into the weekend mood.
Thankfully, I'll be playing games tonight with the usual crew, despite Tobie being out. It won't quite be the same, but I'm sure we'll still have a lot of fun.
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