02B1A: Indoor Singapore

Saturday Nasty Cookies

Metro Manila Community Quarantine - Day 770

Had I been back in Manila, the weekend would have activities like a night at O Bar or game nights with friends. Our weekends in Singapore have obviously been different, especially since this is more of a family trip and not one with Tobie. 

The weather was generally better today, so we ended up at Orchard. We had a hearty Korean barbecue buffet brunch followed by going around the mall including helping our brother pick out new clothes and me making a run at the board game store. I didn't expect to buy anything but I still walked away with a bag full of new games for our collection - including a number of Singaporean games! I can't wait to play them with friends back home, even if that'll include me needing to explain the different aspects of Singaporean culture that the games touch on.

I find that I don't typically go out late at night while here. The local scene is rather different from what I'm used to, plus it's not fun going out solo versus with Tobie or other friends. And the friends that I do have around here don't seem to be the going out at night type. Plus it's rather expensive, so I get it, I guess?

Instead, I've been investing my limited free time to watch our regular shows with Tobie via Google Meet. It's something we had inadvertently fallen into while we were self-isolating during our COVID-19 scare earlier this year. It remains our best way to watch our shows - and this is despite things like that Netflix Party Chrome extension. And tonight we're finally going to finish watching Start-Up! Andn I wasn't sure we'd be able to squeeze it in during this Singapore trip.

Tomorrow I'm going to try to go walking again with my sister in the morning. In the afternoon we'll be watching Everything Everywhere All at Once, which is something I'm legitimately excited about, especially since the movie doesn't have a clear Philippine release date. Beyond that, it's bound to be more time with the nephews and other fun family things.

In other words - another great weekend away from home.
