Metro Manila Community Quarantine - Day 742
After a busy workweek, the surprise highlight (thus far) was being able to meet up with one of our closer FGTC gaming friends. We haven't been able to play games in person with her in over two years, so it was sort of a big deal. And we turned it into a whole thing starting with enjoying a K-Drama while eating a Korean dinner followed by a hearty night of gaming.
Our group has generally continued to play board games online via various mobile or Steam apps, but the experience is never quite the same versus playing in person. And the night just felt really nice - a taste of our pre-pandemic gaming life. And I'll also take it as a promise of what's to come as we're finally trying to organize an in-person meet-up next month - I just hope I'll be in town for it.
With Singapore's big announcement about fully re-opening to vaccinated tourists, our family is figuring out travel plans next month. It's all long overdue as I have a nephew I've yet to meet in person while the other is pretty much school age. It's crazy that over two years have passed since we've seen them. We've only been able to interact with them through video calls all this time and we all miss one another dearly for sure. So that'll be a happy reason to defer the in-person gaming experience.
Coincidentally, we're gaming online with the FGTC folks tonight and celebrating a birthday to boot (not just Lazada's). Online gaming is fun, but it's severely limited by the games we all own in order to be able to play with one another. We all have a diverse mix of physical board games in our respective collections after all and a big part of our sharing gaming life is being able to share games with one another and experience them together. And well have pretty long backlogs in terms of games we've acquired but haven't played yet.
Slowly but surely, we're getting back to normal. And for us, that means things like all-night tabletop gaming sessions and more regular trips to Singapore.
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