02AE2: Weekend Imbalance

Canvas Game

Metro Manila Community Quarantine - Day 714

Our weekend feels a little lop-sided since most of the activities have been planned for Saturday with Sunday being relatively free. But that's just as well as I'm sure today is going to drain us.

Apart from watching different things together, we squeezed in time to try out the Canvas board game and it was delightful. I had been curious about the game for some time and I'm glad that we supported the Kickstarter campaign for its sequel together with a re-release of the deluxe edition of the base game. We definitely need to play this with friends but it does feel like a good candidate for a visually impressive gateway game for players who are relatively newer to gaming.

Today I had to hustle out a little earlier to get some parental errands done and still catch them at home before they stepped out in the afternoon. This worked out okay as I didn't have any issues with the errands themselves and that saved more time for catching up with the family and talking about potential Singapore plans in the new future now that things are opening up again.

Then it was rushing home for brunch with Tobie and getting started on Goblin or Guardian: The Lonely and Great God. We still had a game set for the afternoon, so I wanted to make sure we had sufficient K-drama time as a lot of their episodes have 90-minute runtimes - they're pretty much movies strung together with a more complex narrative. The shape of this show seems promising, but once again I don't have any real fondness for the female lead. Maybe that will change in time, but for now, it's a bit of a tough sell that these two are supposed to get together.

Now we have to get through the rest of today's Pendragon session, then get prepared for an O Bar night with friends. There's no particularly big event tonight - we just wanted to go out since it has been 2 weeks since we last went and we start to miss the drag queens more the longer we're away. We're introducing another friend to O Bar as well, and that's always a fun experience as we get to share our love for this place with more people. 

Hope we get through tonight okay. We had gotten up earlier than we'd like for a weekend and the night is far from over.
