02A9E: Christmas Crunchtime

Chicken and Cabbage

Metro Manila Community Quarantine - Day 646

One of my bigger achievements of the weekend was coming to terms with my Christmas gift plans for immediate family this year. It's a weird way to describe it, but it's more because I'm not 100% excited about all of my gifts, but I'm still content enough to commit to my gifting plans. I feel like I could have put in a bit more thought into things, but I also have to balance things off with what limited time we have left before the actual Christmas holiday.

Today after work, Tobie and I made a rushed run to High Street to get more Christmas shopping done. I wanted to help him find gifts for his family plus additional presents for some of our friends at O Bar. It wasn't the greatest place for Christmas shopping, but the place still offered enough shop diversity to give us some options to work with. I mapped out possible stores that could offer some possible gifts for different people and then hoped for the best as we made our way there. The evening traffic in BGC has gotten pretty bad, so we opted to walk instead of taking Tobie's car. 

We managed to get a good amount of shopping done and Tobie and I left the area feeling rather relieved to have gotten a lot of our shopping list out of the way. There are still a few key gifts that we'll need to somehow figure out this week and time won't be kind. Work keeps us busy until late and thus we end up needing to make our purchases within the narrow window before things close at 08:00pm. But I think we'll be okay and Christmas won't end up being disappointing in the gift-giving department. 

I just hope our last-minute online order makes it in time as well. Such a rush this year!
