Metro Manila Community Quarantine - Day 585
Weird concerns at work today that were outside my usual day-to-day functions. Needless to say, there's a lot going on, but we keep moving forward. Tobie has been busy as well and we spent a better part of the day in different rooms. That meant a very late lunch for both of us and minimal shared activities. At least we got to enjoy a few episodes of The Way of Hot and Spicy after we had finished our respective workdays. Onwards to tomorrow.
I have shifted to the black resistance band for my workouts this week. It approximates 13.6kg and I totally believe it. It's definitely harder to work with it versus the blue (11.3kg) band I had been working with previously, but this feels like a good thing. It's not quite at a point where I feel like I'm risking injury, but it is enough that I need to follow the modified versions of certain exercises (mainly core ones) in order to get to the end. I know this isn't going to encourage a lot of weight loss just yet, but I hope it helps with my overall level of fitness.
Beyond all this, today is also a Vampire RPG day. And this is precisely the kind of relaxing escape that Tobie and I both need after how long it feels this day has been. We're approaching the very end of this campaign, which is always a bittersweet thing to consider. What are we going to do once we finish this campaign? What will happen to our Wednesday nights? The questions rattle around my head - but we'll consider things once we wrap up this story and determine when we'll be in the right headspace to start a new story.
Harder to consider starting a new game (1) that is still online and (2) so close to the end of the year. We often joke that December is where games (particularly campaigns) go to die, so it's rarely wise to start games during the holiday period. Of course, that sentiment applied more to in-person games where we could only meet once or twice a month. Online we've been free to arrange for games a lot more frequently as it's not like any of us are going anywhere.
Two more days left in this workweek. Gotta keep pushing, folks!
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