Metro Manila Community Quarantine - Day 565
September is ending. October is about to begin. And this also marks the beginning of the last quarter of the year. And 2021 will only really be remembered as the year we spent in quarantine.
What a life this is. And what a shitty year.
Cue the regular reminder that we're still better off than most and we should be grateful for that. We're still healthy. We're still employed and able to take care of our needs. We still have each other despite the world's longest quarantine.
Monthly cycles inevitably tie together beginnings and endings. It's when I think about how many books I've read and how many more I need to hit my annual goal (as tracked on Goodreads). It means I need to consider running my monthly cleaning cycle for the washing machine and double-checking if it's time to replace our toothbrushes. At work, it means setting up new projects, resetting my ad campaigns, and preparing for the end-of-month reports of the previous period.
I'm really enjoying watching What Did You Eat Yesterday? with Tobie. So much so that I've picked up the few issues of the manga that are on sale on comiXology just to see what the source material is like. Of all the on-screen gay couples we've encountered, they seem to share a lot of traits with us, even if just a wee bit exaggerated. I'd rather be compared to Shiro and Kenji more than the likes of Cam and Mitchell (which is the more common comparison due to a lack of alternatives).
We need nice things during these dark times.
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