Metro Manila Community Quarantine - Day 463
It has been an interesting weekend of different experiences. On the one hand, we had two great RPG sessions this weekend - Nights Black Agents on Saturday had us continuing our investigation of Dracula as a legendary intelligence asset and those organizations who have either benefited from his abilities or wish to exploit him further, and Fairview earlier this afternoon where our little town is starting to reveal itself to be a lot more than we expected it to be.
After last night's game, we got to enjoy the unique stylings of the O Divas in their Pride Queens performance on the Spaces MNL Facebook page. It was all kinds of crazy to see all the divas together in a shared space for the first time in at least a year. It made for a night of great performances and just that crazy bit of camaraderie that is best experienced when longtime artistic colleagues come together.
We've super missed going to O Bar and we know that running drag shows online will never be quite the same as performing together on a proper stage. I was happy that we got to experience a taste of our old lives to some degree and that the girls also got to see one another again like old times. I just hope that we get to go back to the old normal somehow, someday soon.
We also got to experience The Red Curtain's online staging of The Art of Facing Fear, a uniquely digital theatrical experience over Zoom. This is not the first Zoom production we've watched, both cases involved our friend Bong being one of the performers. And there's totally no regret about the experience - it was a powerful production that had a very personal message to communicate related to the ongoing pandemic and other issues. This was more than just a recording of a stage play broadcast online - it was a show that was designed specifically to work as a Zoom experience and the technical team did an amazing job of making good use of the different tricks of the video conferencing world to aid in their storytelling.
As much as I miss watching movies and stage plays in actual theaters, I super appreciate how these artists continue to innovate their craft and find new ways to bring us new artistic experiences despite the lockdowns and quarantines. They do stay that necessity is the mother of invention. And man, this past year of social distancing has certainly created an urgent need for new ways for performance artists to express themselves fully. The Red Curtain's efforts are great examples of this given their creative use of technology and their use of artistic talents from literally all over the world. These are uniquely digital experiences that we may not have ever gotten had it not been for the pandemic. So I guess that's a bit of a silver lining to these stressful times.
Beyond all that great stuff, the only other item worth mentioning is that we stepped out this morning to run an errand. We tried to be as efficient as possible, but it involved a fairly significant purchase and such things require careful considering and due diligence. I'm just glad we found what we needed and didn't have to travel too far around to find it. And since we were already out, we considered having brunch at the mall, but the thought of indoor dining sort of stressed us both out, so we decided to get something for takeout and eat it at home. We also miss eating out, but it's not worth the risks, especially with Tobie not yet scheduled for a vaccine shot.
That's going to be my project for this week - to figure out if we can get Tobie scheduled sooner as A4. With most of our families already converted, we need to close the gap and get us fully protected - or at least as protected as anyone can be given the current vaccines.
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