029B2: Monday Stuff

Baked Pork Chops, Bacon, and Veggies

Metro Manila Community Quarantine - Day 422

After 10 days of recovery and lower impact activity, I finally felt well enough to start a new Nike Training Club app fitness plan. I figured I'd stick to the Lean Fit plan, which feels more well-rounded but admittedly often aerobic. And I'm keeping the difficulty level at instead of my usual level of 4 while I'm still making sure my back injury doesn't get triggered again. Today was just the benchmark workout and some restorative yoga I voluntarily added in for good measure, and I ended the session feeling pretty good. 

I honestly hope things are okay. While I was able to jog a lot last week, it's not quite as interesting as the different circuit training workouts that I get from the app. And I've been heavier than I'd like ever since I broke keto for Tobie's Mango Bravo birthday cake and I'll only really start recovering around now, so I guess it'll all fall into place. Despite my weight being heavy, my body fat percentage is pretty good and just under 24%, so that's something to be thankful for. 

There's a holiday this Thursday and it's one that Tobie and I have contrived to celebrate together. As usual, he joked that we should go out or something, but the prevailing pandemic really doesn't make that a possibility. We'll probably just stay up late the night before to play games and then play some more games when we wake up. 

It's as good as quarantine life can get, really. I've seen a few friends go on different staycation excursions, but this doesn't really feel like our style. Maybe once our circle of friends gets vaccinated, we can potentially risk a quarantine board game night of sorts. Now that's something I'd travel for. 
