02969: Coming Full Circle

Steak and Eggs

Metro Manila Community Quarantine - Day 349

As I compose this blog entry on my phone, my laptop is casting Brigiding's Zoom birthday concert on our TV. Online drag shows have been a staple of this entire quarantine period as the girls do their best to still make a living despite bars and other live performance spaces not being allowed to operate.

Fittingly enough, her birthday concert was also the last time we were at O Bar. That particular event had been set on the same night that the O Divas got to perform as the opening act during the RPDR Werq the World tour in Manila. Has it really been a year since all that?

We're rapidly approaching the first year anniversary of this crazy global pandemic and we're still stuck in quarantine. We don't have a clear vaccination plan and the very first batch of vaccines are technically a donation and not even part of any of the government's efforts to formally procure vaccines for the country. 

Insert big sigh here.

Otherwise, it's going to be another quiet night at the Sietch. We'll probably leave some sort of a video call or live video on in the background, in case people want to keep us company, even if just virtually.

Better than nothing, right? Happy weekend, everyone. 
