Metro Manila Community Quarantine - Day 329
A pre-scheduled gaming meet-up for today got canceled but got replaced by a last-minute substitution that added a great dimension of fun to our weekend for sure. We got to try out new games that Tobie had acquired just this week, namely Nine Tiles Panic and Wavelength and capped off the night with a satisfying game of Suburbia (even though Tobie won again).
Our in-person social interactions are still very measured and limited to closer friends we trust. But we're definitely at a point where we don't want to just stay home alone at the Sietch all the time. True, that's the safest way to go about trying to get through this whole global pandemic business safely. But on the flip side, it makes for a very sad way of getting through things. And so our risk assessment tolerance has adapted a bit to strike a balance between the two as best as we can.
We also stepped out today, primarily because the Steven Universe art book I had requested for was finally available at Fully Booked. We figured that we might as well pick up a few more supplies that we had missed during our Thursday night grocery run, so it would be a productive meeting all around. This was before we had confirmed new gaming plans for the day, but it was still nice to get out even though the weekend crowds with their rampant non-adherence to pandemic minimum health standards and all that fun stuff.
If we hadn't made new plans for the day, we probably would have considered going around High Street a bit more. But admittedly the crowds were stressing me out significantly and I have no regrets that we went home pretty quickly after.
What is this life, right? We're always going to be in this odd struggle of denial with the so-called "new normal".
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