Metro Manila Community Quarantine - Day 293
We're back home at the Sietch after spending New Year's Eve with Tobie's mom over in Paranaque and I still feel pretty tired. To be fair, Tobie and I did finish a bottle of red wine all by ourselves last night and slept past 03:00am. Then there's the fact that being away from home brings with it a different kind of fatigue that comes with not sleeping in your own bed and things like that. No regrets of course - it was a nice little New Year's celebration and it felt good to keep Tobies' mom company. Plus I got a fair amount of time with Tyler, the dog, and that's always a good thing.
No big plans for tonight or tomorrow, so it's just as well. Tobie will just take it easy this weekend and get some much-needed rest and recovery before we pivot to the first workweek of the year. We actually have an online RPG session scheduled for Sunday, so that's still something. But after all that eating for New Year's, I definitely need to get back to our more regular routine.
Despite being tired, we managed a decent Baduy Pride episode to kick off 2021, in a way. It was hard to figure out what our resolutions or goals for 2021 might be beyond making more episodes of the show and maybe making time for more online board game nights with friends, but it was better than nothing. We all continue to hope for things to get better this year and for things to return to something closer to normal. In the end, we all miss being around friends and family more and want to be able to socialize safely again. It all depends on how things with this COVID-19 pandemic fare this year. We don't want this year to feel like more of the same as what we got last year. Fingers and toes crossed on that point.
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