Metro Manila Community Quarantine - Day 281
Today I finally got to try playing the digital version of Terraforming Mars with Tobie and Urim as an alternative tabletop gaming afternoon. The port is pretty clean even if it went the extra mile to stress this or that aspect of the game, but at least we got to play. I've owned a copy of the game for a while but never got around to trying it for one reason or another. I'm glad I finally got over this hump.
The world of digital adaptations of different board games is a unique one that opens the doors for interesting online play, provided everyone has a copy of the game. Sure there are platforms like Tabletopia or Tabletop Simulator that are a bit more robust in terms of their library but are balanced by queue systems and other challenges. Dedicated app/digital game adaptations are generally great for solo play with many of them also managing good online or even local multiplayer.
This was further spurred on by the decision to get more of our board game friends digital gifts this year in order to better practice social distancing. And thus my goal has been to increase the number of digital board games that our circle of friends has in common so we can eventually play together. Playing games like Detective over Google Meet with the support of a Jamboard is still fun, but these digital adaptations to take out a lot of the sweat work.
And I'm trying to get used to this since we have an online Christmas "party" planned with one of our more regular board game groups. We haven't been able to game for most of the year because of the pandemic and we're hoping to have fun this Saturday. It could just fall back on the likes of the Jackbox games, but that's never quite the same as the complexity of proper board games and it'll be interesting to see how we pull it off.
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