0241B: We All Miss Things Right Now

Metro Manila Community Quarantine - Day 15

Last night, Tobie and I tried to simulate a non-quarantine night out by digging up the old bottle of vodka and some soda water for a little at-home drinking session. We called up a good friend via Google Hangouts Meet and just talked as we drank a bit. We both had limited alcohol on-hand, but it was enough for a nice catch-up session and to feel a bit more normal. We even went as far as talking about missing O Bar and ended up watching a few videos together thanks to screen share functions. It was pleasant but still a little hollow to some degree. Maybe it would have been more fun with more friends in the video conference.

On the whole, it was still a nice experience but also a weird one. It didn't quite scratch the itch of desiring socialization but I guess it'll have to do for now since it's not like there are other options.

I still miss going out to O Bar to be with friends and celebrate the fabulous drag shows of the O Divas and the fun-to-dance-to music.

I miss not needing to think about protection and hygiene every time I go out along with the need to pretty much decontaminate oneself upon getting home.

I miss being free to step out and just walk around the area or have a late lunch with Tobie around BGC at places like Sariwon.

I miss not waiting and maybe dreading today's COVID-19 case update from DOH, a number that now stands at almost 1,500 cases.

I miss gaming with friends. I miss going to the office. I miss our old life.

And I have no idea if after quarantine life will return to anything like the old "normal" given all that has happened. When will we feel comfortable enough to actually shake other people's hands or hug good friends in greeting without thinking about possibly spreading something like COVID-19?

All we can do is stay safe and hope for the best. We can get through this with enough diligence,  focus and determination.
