0258E: Too Long and Not Long Enough

And just like that, I'm only going to be here for a few more days. At first, the trip felt dauntingly long but now it's coming to an end a lot sooner than expected, but such is the way of things. The whole COVID-19/nCoV scare has certainly added an unusual layer atop this particular trip experience, but it's not like that wouldn't be part of the reality back at home either.

It was a busy workday nonetheless and we got a lot done. The culmination of my day was a rather lengthy client meeting, which was tricky enough to arrange given the Orange Alert in place here in Singapore discouraging in-person meetings. But as much as video conferences are great for helping to bridge the divide between people, there's something about sitting around a table that really helps work out the rough edges of a project.

Coincidentally, Tobie has some work travel of his own as of late, albeit of a more domestic nature. Mixed feelings that he's going to be in and out the week I arrive back, but I suppose it's just as well as I can sort of treat the week as somewhat self-quarantine from Tobie given the relatively higher risks of infection in Singapore. Not that I honestly think I've had any risky contact with possible infection vectors during my stay here. But best to err on the side of caution for now.
