And just like that, the holiday break is over and today marked the return to the working world. Naturally, a lot of folks either filed leave or work from home requests to end this week comfortably, but we all gotta get things done. Part of today included getting the office back in working order, as it were, as it had been largely inactive over the break. But we're all good now.
It also means back to my usual work lunches, which means whichever mix of protein and greens I can quickly stir-fry at the office kitchen without losing too much time. It's still the easiest way to stay on keto versus spending an arm and a leg on the limited keto-friendly takeout options in the area. But that's part of the journey.
It's a super short week though, so that's a consolation. Sort of a warm-up run at work before things get into high gear next week when everyone else returns to work as well. And 2020 is looking to be pretty busy indeed.
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