0252F: Good Kind of Tired


Great workday today. Big off-site meeting with our leaders and I think we covered a lot of good stuff and it makes me excited for the year to come. And we survived the whole session without anyone making a pun related to "2020 vision", which we all know is inevitable for all agencies entering the new year.

I've been on my feet most of the day for all sorts of reasons including helping to drive the presentation deck, keeping up with my steps, conducting a quick training session and rocking my nephew to sleep. Needless to say, it has been a rather long yet fulfilling day.

But can't relax entirely just yet since we're bringing some of the visiting folks to O Bar so they can experience the unique drag show there. I think we'll get them as far as the first show and if we're lucky they'll stay until the second. But they're also flying out tomorrow afternoon and can't exactly be all that crazy either. But I know we'll have a good time one way or another.

Here's to a great weekend for everyone. We all deserve it.
