02865: More Reasons to Smile

Friday night was a little turbulent but gaming came to save the day in the end. What would we be without gaming, eh?

Saturday morning was interesting and ultimately invigorating. It may not have seemed like much, but it certainly felt like a much bigger deal.

Saturday night was crazy fun and cathartic and we played a lot of great games with good friends. We are lucky to have friends like these still in our social circles.

Sunday has been more restful Tobie and I have got to watch a great play as well. And we also had a much-needed hearty dinner at Ganso Shabuway.

We'll cap the evening off with some streaming entertainment and probably a board game or two.

Life is full of both good and bad things and they come at different times. But despite all that, I'd like to think that things tend to balance out for the better. And it helps to keep focused on the good things more than the bad in order not to go completely bonkers. There's a lot of be thankful for day to day and we should never lose sight of that. We continue to move forward and do what good we can, especially for those who have stood by us throughout the years.
