02833: Back at the Sietch

Back to general normalcy. Last night upon arriving home I was still woozy from skipping most of the dinner on the flight given the carbs. But I was also pretty tired so I only really had the strength to eat a can of tuna then headed off to bed.

Today it was about catching up with chores and restoring the Sietch to normal working order. Thus meant ordering groceries to restock our rather scarce supplies. I also ran a load of laundry, put away the clothes and other items from my luggage and separated the stuff for mom.

I settled some bank stuff (thankfully the deposit machine was working this weekend before visiting mom and working on her meds and such.

Tonight we have some friends over for gaming before Tobie and I head off to O Bar for Dee Dee's birthday show. Tobie surprised us all with the delivery of a copy of the Disney game Villainous, which is proving to be quite entertaining.

Definitely feels like I'm back home and the Sietch is generally back to normal levels of functionality. My sister is back to sending Mason updates when she can and we're all the better for it.
