02810: Health Science

I've been using a Fitbit since November and I have to admit that it's hard to determine if I enjoy the data I've gathering or the process of gathering data in itself. Sure there's the daily fussing over trying to hit my step goals for the day and for my hourly activity levels and even the fun of tracking my water intake using the app. Going over the charts and trend lines generated after aren't automatically meaningful but I really haven't quite sat down to just pour over my results.

The easy gimmes are the sleep data charts I get every morning that help break down my sleep states provided that I slept for a long enough period of time. I do see a correlation between my sleep quality and how rested or energetic I feel during the day. I've also been logging my weight using the app and I'm enjoying the charts the app generates except I'm just irked by the scale of the charges since they keep things pretty narrow. I think the view it generates is about 6 kilograms only so it's a pretty narrow band.

The way we gather health data is more and more tied to technology and the advancements in recent years continue to be pretty fascinating. Just look at how there are automatic blood pressure cuffs of all shapes and sizes that eliminate the need for the manual pump and stethoscope combination. Blood sugar testing has gotten more and more convenient with newer devices drastically minimizing how often the person actually needs to get pierced for sufficient test data.

We're not quite at the point of tricorders but we're getting there, I suppose. More and more non-invasive testing methods are the way to go as long as we don't compromise accuracy just for patient comfort and convenience. Only time will tell.
