02803: O Bar Social Circles

After our Seafall gaming session we had set time to go to O Bar for their second Malate theme night. But given everyone's schedules it looked like Tobie and I wouldn't have company for the night.

But O Bar is O Bar and so we ended up sharing a table with longtime friends of the owners, some of whom we were already familiar with thanks to past nights out. Ended up foregoing my usual bottle of red wine as they had generously asked for help working through their bottle of vodka. This was a little stronger than our usual fare but who were we to tune down such a kind offer. We hadn't anticipated that they would buy a second bottle later in the night.

Needless to say it was a crazy fun night. I haven't been that drunk in a while but at least we didn't get too drunk to any dangerous (or embarrassing degree).

A few other friends managed to show up but most had their own tables of friends to entertain so our interaction times were limited. Instead we ended up meeting new friends including some visitors from Singapore who were new to the bar and friends of friends who had joined us as well. With luck we'll see some of them again during future O Bar excursions.

We may not be the most sociable people around but we do appreciate encounters and interesting people. Not everyone fits this criteria, especially at a wild place like O Bar but I find we get pretty lucky more often than not. But a big factor there are the friends we choose to spend time with, I suppose. Like attracts like and all that, as the old saying goes.
