0276C: Operation Birthday Christmas Tree

Mom expressed a wish for a Christmas tree for the condo and with her birthday just around the corner if felt like a great "gift" idea. Despite our usual busy weekend gaming schedule I enlisted Tobie into this little operation before we traveled to QC for today's game.

It was a bit of a mad dash to find all the elements we needed. Years of Christmas tree decorating when I still lived at home sort of ingrained different "rules" for how our trees should be like. For example, we tend to favor green trees versus the white or whatever variants. And the rule of thumb is to have 100 lights per foot of tree height - warm lights that can be set to steady are the best lighting option. We've always opted for trees that are warm and inviting, if descriptors make sense.

SM Aura may not be the best place for mass market shopping, but I didn't want to end up at Market! Market! just yet. That mainly had me and Tobie going back and forth between SM Department Store, National Book Store and Ace Hardware to get everything right.

At least we had some options to work with. It took a few stores to find the right tree. Then we had to find enough lights to properly decorate it. Then we had to find the right mix of decorations to ensure the tree isn't unevenly festooned with balls and such. I wanted a beaded garland but settled for a ribbon. And of course we needed a star to top the tree.

What followed was a very quick decoration process as Tobie and I put everything together in under 2 hours while mom was out. That left us barely enough time to drive across the metropolis to get to the game but it was totally worth it. The end result was quite nice and the whole process of decorating the three was a happy one that brought back many fond memories of past Christmases. These little family traditions go a long way towards creating unique shared experiences with those you love. And they never really get old.

Mom loved the tree and Tobie and I certainly feel like the afternoon was time very well spent. I wonder what our actual Christmas will be like as we're going to have to top all this somehow.
