02753: Singapore Travel Checklist

Whenever I travel to Singapore, I find myself going through an informal checklist. It covers items that have to happen before, during and after said trips.

I realize it's not much of a list since I'm not that complicated a person but it's funny how knowing that I have a trip on the horizon already has me itching to tick off the items on the list. And with another trip looming around the corner, I'm already marking off the items.


  • A nice dinner with Tobie at a restaurant we like
  • A send-off O Bar night 

  • Books Kinokuniya
  • Games@PI

  • A welcome home O Bar night

Okay, that really wasn't much.

It just goes to show how "normal" these trips have become. As they are both work-related and family-related, they happen frequently enough that it's more like a trip across Metro Manila or like going home to a province, had we had anything like that. I just so happens that my "province" is in another country and happens to involve a lot of different animals in a confined space. But now it also includes my adorable new nephew that I can't help gushing over. He's really super cute.

Maybe my checklist will change to include more nephew-related stuff.
