02724: Brace for Impact

Tomorrow is this month's gaming meet-up for the Finer Gaming Things Club, and I've sort of been dreading this given my current keto diet efforts. One of the best things about the group is how they really celebrate gathering and that tends to result in ordering a LOT of food for dinner and repeated snacking in-between game sessions. And of course that's super tricky for any diet.

Small consolation is that tomorrow's session is going to be a shorter one than normal, so there's a general assumption that people would have had dinner beforehand. And thus we've agreed to simpler finger food with a consideration for the two of us on a keto diet. There may be some wine in the equation as well so that should be interesting as that has become my compromise alcohol for social gatherings like this or our sporadic O Bar nights.

In order news, today was unique such that I actually feel the need to bother with my snacks as part of my meal plan. I'm not exactly sure why - it may have been just because I was fairly busy. Or maybe my appetite is diminishing? Or maybe I just loath all these keto-friendly efforts at pastries. Oh life.
