As an atypical birthday gift, my sister offered to sponsor a month of keto diet meals as long as I stuck with the program. Given our history with Delicious Diet, this is not my first time to go down the diet meal service road. But it's the first time I'll try going ketogenic and the first time trying a full 7-day meal service instead of just a 5-day one.
This may be a little tricky as I will miss being able to relax on weekends but let's see how this goes. In the end it's for my own good. But man I know I have heavy snacking tendencies, especially when I'm writing. It's a terrible habit that really got ingrained in my brain during my call center years and I haven't quite shaken it off. Blerg.
The biggest challenge will our different game nights as these often involve ordering food that's more convenient for groups, which typically means non diet-friendly food like pizza of big platters of party spaghetti. Oh sweet, delicious carbs.
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