02690: Goodbye Omni-Posting

Buried among the Facebook Developer updates in April was the announcement curtailing the ability of third-party apps to publish updates to personal profiles. This may seem like a minor change and one that will do more harm than good by preventing automatic updates from game apps and such. but for weirdo nerds like me who like sharing updates across multiple platforms, it's a bit of an annoyance.

Whether you use Hootsuite, Buffer, or in my case Crowdfire to broadcast updates across multiple social media platforms, the ability to do so will go away effective August 1, 2018. I'm not sure how this is going to affect my IFTTT workflows that automatically share my recent blog updates as Facebook posts but we'll see how things resolve themselves come tomorrow.

I dunno if this will lead to me posting less or just focusing on Twitter more since Crowdfire and other such apps can still schedule stuff there. There are natural benefits to native publishing via the platform itself, especially when it comes to Facebook. But it's not like I ever actually wanted to elevate my page to full-on publishing status. I just like sharing stuff and cross-platform apps made it pretty easy to do so.

This change really has me re-thinking my social media activities.
