0268E: Time Stop

When Tobie isn't around it often feels like time stops to some degree. My motivation to leave the Sietch diminishes to almost nothing except for important errands or of course family stuff. So I didn't immediately expect to step out today but a postponed Transformers meet-up pushed me out of the house. The meet-up was at Bo's Coffee at Glorietta 5 as usual, however the actual location is under renovation at the moment. Thankfully it was a nice breezy morning so waiting wasn't unpleasant.

I made the rounds of usual points of interest that Tobie and I visit together. That means different places to get board games like Gaming Library and Hobbes & Landes but I didn't make any actual purchases because it didn't feel quite right without Tobie. It helps that there weren't any items on sale that would have provided greater incentive to pick something up I suppose. I was tempted to check out the official LEGO store in BGC before heading home but the pull of the Sietch grew too strong and I just opted to head back.

Since then I've been running more laundry loads, continuing my efforts to re-watch Star Wars: The Clone Wars in chronological order, and reading the many Rick and Morty comics that I had picked up in Singapore. My eating habits have been less than ideal but I do tend to get a little antsy without Tobie, so snacking tends to follow.

But I am glad that I flew back yesterday and not today. Being able to take it easy and just rest for most of the day goes a long way towards starting things right for the coming work week. The only complication is waiting for Tobie to get home from his Thailand trip, which I estimate to be around midnight because of the time differential.
