02586: Convenience Versus Capabilities

So I'm really feeling how inconvenient my point and shoot camera is in many ways. I still feel somehow "guilty" over starting to lean more on my Samsung S8 for my photography. I've already gotten through non-event O Bar nights with just my phone and mobile photos still make up the bulk of my photography.

The last frontier I haven't crossed quite yet is using my phone for taking photos of my Transformers and other collectibles. I've favored point and shoot cameras with higher optical zoom capability that also do decently well with close-up, macro-type shots of closer detail. They're not perfect of course since I'm not exactyl dealing with a higher end camera with dedicated lenses for various functions so I know it's not the same thing. But I do have my comfort zone in terms of what cameras I use.

I see this going in one of two ways: fully committing to a mobile phone camera life and making sure all future phones have good cameras or I invest  in a newer point and shoot that has WiFi backup capabilities among other possible features.

Weird life.
