Visited the wake of a high school classmate's dad. Wakes and funerals make for weird reunion venues. But they're also the sort of events that inevitably draw people together, even more than weddings since you don't exactly expect catering and a fancy far-flung venue.
And so you go to the wake and you shake hands and talk about old stories and where everyone is. You spend a little time talking about the passing and the circumstances that led to it but then it feels like you spend the rest of the time not talking about and talking about anything else.
Life is short. And the people you are with now may not be the people you hang out with in ten years. You go through cycles of friend circles and changing priorities and matters of consequence and all that jazz. And life keeps rolling along and the you that you are now will not be quite the person you will be in the future. And moments in time when you meet people from your past will remind you of all that has gone by and all that has changed since then.
Such is life.
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