A lack of surfaces at the new condo have us either sitting on the floor or using the TV table that came with the unit as a makeshift work desk. And since PLDT fulfilled its commitment to install our service today, we were actually pretty productive. And now work is piling up and I have so many reports to address, haha.
Not that I was entirely remote working today. January business permit renewal requirements meant me still swinging by the office today to setup the paperwork needed and getting a new employee officially signed on. Good times.
But the walk home was wonderful with the cold brisk air. It took me about 20 minutes to get back to the condo, but that includes significant stoplight delays so the actual walk is probably closer to 15 minutes. I know the weather won't always be this delightful for walking but I'll make the most of things for now.
Still need to haul more stuff over here over the course of the next few weeks. But things are definitely looking pretty good.
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