It's hard to figure out how to take everything in your home and shrink it all down into discrete containers ready for hauling to a new location.
For example, it would be nice to move our collectibles first so that we have access to our geekery at the new place right away, but that means you need to make sure that the shelves themselves are moved over there first. So that then means you need to clear the shelves, find a temporary place for all your current stuff, then take down the shelves and disassemble them if you can. All the while you're running out of floor space and more and more things are taken down, boxed and now occupy new spaces here and there.
It's rather stressful seeing your current home become more and more uninhabitable as a mess appears to grow in the middle of everything. And it's not like we're moving everything we have this weekend - we're doing our best to keep focused but naturally there's just so much to consider, so it's hard to think of where to start.
I've started storing away the kitchen stuff and we've also loaded most of our clothes into a balikbayan box. I have to work on Transformers tonight in order to get at least one of the big shelves ready for disassembly. Then there are the board games to consider and more shelves to consider.
Gah! It's a lot of work and it boggles the mind at times but it'll be all worth it for sure. And we haven't even figured out what to call the new condo unit yet.
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