It took a while, but we all finally got to gather on the evening of Christmas Day. We ordered KFC for our delayed "noche buena", which sounds weird but for an entire family that has been on various diets for months, this was a ridiculously special treat.
We watched videos from a recent trip and laughed at the little things. We exchanged presents and had a lot of fun seeing one another react to gifts. We played a little Famicom, played a board game and eventually my brother and I played more Diablo III.
There's a simplicity to our Christmas celebrations since we're largely a group of home bodies who are perfectly happy staying in for an entire weekend. We don't even have traditions over watching movies or visiting friends and family during this time since its so much more convenient and relaxing to stay home.
On a personal note, there was one last Christmas surprise that totally floored me and I'm still a little beside myself trying to figure out how to react properly. I'm happy, not doubt about it, and I know it represents a lot of careful thought and consideration. I'm super grateful and excited and I don't know where to begin, really. But for now all I can really do is be thankful and not to rush into things.
It has been a very merry Christmas indeed.
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