0232B: Wrapping Up Delicious Diet

So today is probably the last day that Tobie and I will be on Delicious Diet. The service is going on holiday for the next two weeks but that also coincides with our plans to start cooking again next year, so that's that. Over the 7 weeks that we've been on the program I've already lost around 15 pounds despite indulges here and there, especially on the weekends. But despite such moments, my progress was pretty steady and I think Tobie and I will manage working on maintaining healthier meal portions on our own.

The holidays ahead mean some inevitable indulgences of course as it is a major holiday known for how it encourages celebratory feasting, but after all this we'll do our best to keep things up.

Throw in the moving plans for BGC in Q1 and I hope to add regular walking as part of my routine. After all my weight loss thus far has been driven solely by portion control so adding in any increased level of activity should be a good thing.

I was admittedly skeptical that I'd get to this point and now I want to see how far this can go. I'd be happy with any weight level under 200 pounds. On the BMI scale, I'd still be considered obese at 180 pounds, so I'm trying to be a little realistic here with my expectations. But let's see how things will go shall we?
