So today's work day ended with trying to figure out prizes for the company Christmas party on Friday. Last year there were a fewer of us around and so we just ordered out and had a nice dinner. This year we have more people and thus we've reached the critical point where a proper Christmas party is inevitable.
Thankfully, I haven't had to worry too much about actually planning this stuff. A team has been handling that and we've mostly focused on approving budgets and securing prizes. But man, figuring out unisex prizes can be a pain when you're rushing to get back to your desk. Thankfully we stumbled across some nice items that should resonate well with folks based on interests - or at least that's what we think. Fingers crossed and all that.
But hey, buying prizes for games and group numbers is a lot like buying gifts for people and that's something I can handle well enough. Plus I'll admit that I'm still on a bit of a high from having bought gifts for everyone so yay me.
I'm really looking forward to Friday. We just need to figure out how to juggle our work stuff so that we're more free on Friday. But man, so much going on.
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