So last night's game night only consisted of two game since it took us over 4 hours to get through our first 4-player session of Through the Ages. The game was new for our friends while it wasn't exactly old hat yet for me and Tobie so it still took a bit of time to get into the full rhythm of the game. But it's a game that's totally worth learning as it truly is a board game translation of strategy games like Civilization. Who needs to buy Civilization VI when you have this board game?
And of course the company made the game night all the more memorable and enjoyable and we're always happy to game with these particular friends every month. Our only regret is how it never seems like we have enough time to play even more games but the flesh is weak and eventually we all need to sleep. There's always the next game night to look forward.
Today was another lazy Sunday since we didn't have any fixed gaming plans or plays to run off to. Instead we woke up late, lazed in bed some more and only dragged ourselves out to watch Moana over at Gateway. To be fair, that was totally not a waste of time and I'm super glad that we went. I didn't know much about the movie beforehand and that contributed to how much it overwhelmed we in the end. And that's always a fun part of a good movie experience.
I'm getting ready to write a proper review for the movie for the Geeky Guide, but the short form of things is that it's probably one of the best Disney movies in a while. It's a story of fate but also empowerment and bravery. It's a story of repentance and finding your own path in life. And it's not a princess story but is instead a story of strength and inspiration for any young person - the protagonist just happens to be female.
Factor in going to O Bar after work on Friday night and our getting haircuts and some of our Christmas shopping done and this has definitely been a pretty good weekend indeed. Looks like December is going to be pretty interesting.
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