I've been pretty much living out of the office since Wednesday, which really isn't too bad when your office has a home-based setup in a residential area. But given the holiday exodus that happens every year because of November 1, then it seemed the best idea to camp out here rather than take the maddening drive home to Cubao, which is quite the major transportation hub. I'm pretty sure I covered this in yesterday's blog post.
Tonight we're going to have an RPG session here at the office, since it again seemed more prudent to have friends come here instead of going to Cubao. So as the social media world still has people complaining about how bad EDSA northbound traffic is on this payday holiday Friday night, we're setting up a board game as a warm-up before we get into the serious gaming after.
And because we're right at the cusp of Halloween, you know that Tobie has a horror game in mind. Let's see if we'll survive the challenge.
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