0210E: A Need to Cook

The full transition to daytime work life all the way here in BGC has triggered some unforeseen changes in our routine. The daily commute to and from work is rather killer and Tobie and I both spend way more time in the car than actually at a place where we can do more stuff. And because of that, our likelihood of ordering fast food for dinner has significantly increased, which makes me a little sad.

I'm not a great cook but I do enjoy the process and I've at least honed our flavors to a point where Tobie certainly enjoys my cooking. But this past month was a clear demonstration of us not actually cooking as based on what was left in the freezer by the time the big monthly grocery day rolled around. So I'm once again trying to hold to a commitment of cooking more instead of ordering out.

But cooking takes time and energy, naturally, and the long commute drains us of both. But I'm going to do my best to be a little stubborn about this, even if it means that I end up getting a little cranky as I try to blitz through a recipe. I managed to do that right after our First Wednesday grocery day yesterday and the leftovers certainly provide us options for the future in case we're absolutely too tired to cook.

Tonight we opted to have dinner here at the office and I planned out our grocery such that I had supplies for cooking here as well as back at home. That way we can still eat home-cooked meals as opposed to just ordering out. My cooking isn't always healthy and we're bound to use a significant amount of canned or processed food. But all that still has to be better than eating fast food, right?
