Tobie's work day starts at 09:00am and pretty much ends at 05:00pm. My work day officially starts at 10:00am and ends at 07:00pm, but of course I spend more time at work. For the most part, Tobie and I have generally fond our new routine for the work week. On most days we leave the Sietch before 07:00am, trudge through EDSA rush hour, and then he drops me and Yoshi off at BGC before heading off to Makati for work. But the time he's done, he heads over to BGC and hangs out at the office until I'm done, but he also has the option to just go home earlier if he's too tired. But on most days, we go home together.
It means a very long work day for both of us - one that stands when we wake up around 06:00am and only really ends once we get home past 09:00pm. But we do have days when we decide to have dinner at BGC rather than diving into traffic in order to get home and sometimes we even bring Yoshi with us to the restaurant. It certainly provides interesting options for us and new experiences and new opportunities to create new memories.
It's a different life from my old call center life and maybe I'm working way more than I used to and maybe we're all a little bit more tired, but it still feels a heck of a lot more normal. I'm tired but a good night's sleep helps me become better for the next day since I get to sleep beside the man I love. And sometimes that's all that matters, right? Beyond our jobs and our routines and the million other things that make up every single day, what matters most is the reason for all that - the motivation that drives us forward.
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