0183F: Waving the LGBT Pride Flag Again

The last weekend of June is typically the culmination of local festivities related to LGBT Pride Month. To be fair, not much else really happens in this month apart from the big parties during the final weekend give how the Pride March now takes place in December and the fact that we're just not quite there yet in terms of LGBT representation in the Philippines.

Ever since I started living on my own, LGBT Pride has always been a key event to keep on my calendar. The fight for gay rights and true equality in this county begins with awareness of our concerns and recognition that we exist as a minority segment of society. And as a minority, we need significant legal projections in order to ensure that we get our fair say in things.

And so I attend White Parties and I take to the streets for Pride Marches as much as I can in order to add my voice to all the others. And while there are so many who remain silent and avoid the public eye when it comes to the LGBT rights struggle or even identifying with the rest of the LGBT community, that shouldn't dissuade us from doing what is right for the rest of the community and even speaking up for those who choose not to.

Tonight will mark my 11th year of celebrating LGBT Pride during June. Sure the parties aren't always white anymore and the community at times feels almost splintered to the point of being somewhat ineffective, but in truth it just goes to show how many of us are out there given we can actually gather is distinct groups around the country with our own spin on the LGBT Pride message.

As always Tobie and I will be at O Bar, which is pretty much our gay enclave outside of home. We certainly hope to see you there!
