01793: Alternate Holiday Gaming

April is always tricky month for our regular game schedules given the big Holy Week holidays and the regular summer season. People naturally map out their big vacation plans around this time and thus our regular players tend to have their respective obligations. It's not a bad thing in itself - everyone needs their time away. And on the home front it allows us opportunities to invite other friends for gaming and see how it turns out, especially since Tobie and I rarely make big out-of-town trips.

Case in point, last night we had a new group of players here at the Sietch for a night of board games, although we really only managed to have time for 3 lengthy games. It was nice to get more people into our little gaming circle plus there's always that chance to sort of show off our collection of geekery here at the Sietch. To others it may seem like one big mess, but in truth it can be pretty awesome given the right audience who can appreciate what we have put together.

Today we have a different group over again instead of our long-running tabletop RPG group that typically plays on Sundays. It's starting out as a game board night., but with luck we'll go back to running a Lacuna session as well. And I have to admit, it has been quite a while since we've returned to the Blue City. It'll be intense and crazy and potentially traumatizing, but it'll be worth it in the end.
