Geeky Valentine's Day Gifts |
More importantly, I managed to get my Valentine's Day gifts for Tobie rather early! I actually didn't have a plan as to what I was going to get for him this year, and so finding these two Studio Ghibli art books for Kiki's Delivery Service and Porco Rosso was beyond perfect. We already have The Art of My Neighbor Totoro and had been contemplating starting to collect the other books in the series but weren't so sure when to formally start. But with these first two books now added to our collection, I think it's safe to say that we're going to start collecting the books in earnest. The one place where we've seen these books stocked in significant numbers was Kinokuniya in Singapore, but they were clearly more expensive there (plus airfare and luggage considerations). The odd book does show up here and there in terms of local stores so now I'm going to keep more of a look out for them.
I haven't had any sleep since before work yesterday but I'll do my best to press on a bit more. Guests have started to arrive for tonight's Night's Black Agents RPG sessions so it's too late to catch a nap after my busy day. So I'll just press on for as long as I can and make the most of tonight.
But man, things would be totally perfect if we could manage to squeeze in time to watch The LEGO Movie despite another RPG session scheduled for tomorrow. Fingers crossed!
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