01698: Back-to-Back Gaming

It has been an interesting gaming-filled weekend, especially given we've been playing with different groups from our typical ones, in a manner of speaking. It has been an interesting gaming-filled weekend, especially given we've been playing with different groups from our typical ones, in a manner of speaking. I have said in the past that gaming is a social activity after all. And I don't regret how we get to know people better through their gaming.

We started our Saturday session with a few board games - namely Forbidden Desert and Kill Doctor Lucky. Our Forbidden Desert game was particularly notable given this was the first time that we were able to defeat the game, even if only on novice difficulty level. We've played the game so many times with different players but every time we would die out due to one threat or another. Thankfully things worked out this time around, although we were down to like 2 more sand tiles before the risk of death.

And I won our Kill Doctor Lucky game. It was glorious.

We still had an RPG session after that and this was our first venture into the world of 13th Age, another interesting attempt to soften up the crunch we normally associate with D20 systems and make it more like the narrative games that we tend to be drawn to more. It was an interesting adventure and I played a rather brutal halfling rogue who was pretty much killing and maiming left and right all around. It was crazy and brilliant but definitely a different kind of experience.

Today we're playing Blood & Honor together with a bit of a mixed group. It's initially mapped as a one-shot for a friend that Matt and Princess wanted to setup a game for and it's starting out pretty cool. I'm trying out a different role since I've played the spy master in the past two Blood & Honor games that I've been involved in. Today I'm the courtier, which means a very different skill set. Let's see how all this will pan out.
