01543: The BPI Story So Far (It's a Happy One)

As promised, allow me to explain how things have progress with my BPI concern the other week. Just to tie up loose ends.

So on the same day that I published that blog post, the courier finally arrived closer to 05:00pm. It went through the normal routine of the guard calling the building intercom to let us know there was a courier and then he was let into the building. Upon receiving my card, I noticed it had a print-out from their credit card department asking to expedite delivery of the card for the same day. I strong suspect that the action was caused by my reporting my concern to BPI's Twitter Team and them trying to find a solution to things.

With the card in hand, I sent another message to the official BPI Twitter account letting them know that the card had arrived and they indicated that I was going to receive a call. They had said that the day before, but supposedly what they wanted to say was that they would call once they had more information.

So in time I received a call from a BPI representative named "Angelo" who was prepared to explain what had happened. However his explanation was that the courier had made multiple attempts to deliver the card but no one was present to receive him - and the dates went back to the very day after I had requested the replacement. He went on further to explain that the courier had somehow left word that they were requesting a callback.

Naturally this annoyed me since I was home for most if not all the dates stated by the rep and I told him so. Plus I had been repeatedly been calling customer service for updates and none of them mentioned anything about a need to contact the courier. Thus I went on to lecture the rep (as calmly as possible, which was still rather elevated) about how the story of the courier group was not logical and that the guards of our condo would have called us had there been a visitor with something to deliver. The fact that the front line customer service agents had no access to these supposed courier notes was another gap in their process. And thus at this point I demanded a full investigation and a gesture on the part of BPI to make up for the inconvenience and reassure me that I was still valued as a customer.

So yeah, it was one of those rants. I even went as far as citing that I worked in the call center industry as well and thus I knew what I was entitled to and I was disappointed that local customer service was no where near what we were doing for foreign clients. I felt bad for the guy (and told him so) since I knew there was nothing much that he could do on his end. And thus I told him that he needed to find someone who could do something for me and I repeatedly recapped my side of the story and what I was asking for.

Earlier this week I received another call from the agent. It was a basic update that supposedly the investigation was still on-going and but wanted to assure me that they were still working on it. Frankly, I wasn't expecting them to have the nerve to call again and thus I was genuinely happy that they did that. And yesterday the surprise travel bag gift arrived, which I assume is their effort to meet my other requirement of a generous gesture on their part.

For the record, I'm still waiting for a full report on what happened and what steps that BPI is going to take to  prevent this from happening ever again. The process improvement part of me won't let that go. But I do feel better about the incident and I appreciate the fact that they are actually taking steps to address my concern whereas other companies around here would probably just say sorry a few times then never contact me again. Thus my faith in BPI is certainly bolstered by the handling of this incident and I know I'll continue to be more than just a customer but also a brand advocate to some extent.

Doing your best to be reasonable  trying to keep your cool on the phone and of course the amazing benefit of keeping detailed notes of all of your contact points with customer service all go a very long way.
