So one thing led to another, and I ended up staying up all of Saturday and had a rather Futurama-filled day. After my adventures at SM Mall of Asia for the Manila International Book Fair yesterday, I was feeling way too full from all that sushi to go to bed right away. So I loaded Futurama into the player, worked on my blog entry for the day and otherwise kept myself busy online. And in time that snowballed into staying awake despite my lack of sleep from work the night before along with working through the at least seasons 2-4 of Futurama.
It's always sort of weird when this happens - or maybe it's because my body jumps at any opportunity to return to a more normal life cycle schedule. But as long as I stay busy, I'm bound to stay awake. And between Futurama, my online stuff, and admittedly one more thing, I had enough reason to stay awake.
Here's the one more thing:
So I finally put together the Kre-O Sentinel Prime kit after Gene and I had assembled Kre-O Megatron the day before. And it literally took me most of the day to put it together given the unfamiliarity with some of the Kre-O shapes and of course multi-tasking it with Futurama playing in the background.
Fun times.
Today I watched Ang Nawawala, since it happened to be showing at Gateway along with some of the other more successful Cinemalaya movies. It was a pretty good flick - good story, good acting and pretty good shots. It just didn't feel all that original since it was like and even more hipster-friendly local version of (500) Days of Summer with pretty fun indie music tracks and quite a number of kundimans thrown in for good measure.
I'll admit that the Roco brothers are indeed pretty cute and Dominic Roco did a pretty stellar job as the silent lead of the movie. Annicka Dolonius was quite the Zooey Deschanel wannabe, but to be fair she did a good job as well.
The overall plot is certainly intriguing and I do have that urge to watch it again in order to pick apart the narrative more or to go hunting for more and more nuances of detail and meaning somehow hidden among various scenes. Despite my calling it an odd copy of other movies, it's still a good piece that I feel I'll try to get on DVD sometime.
And that's the weekend.
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