Okay, time to end this silliness with the facial hair. One thing led to another and I ended up not having shaving for a longer and longer period of time. So now it has been roughly two weeks since I had really cleaned up and thus the photo above reflects the growth. For some, this may not seem like much and I admit that I am generally challenged in terms of growing facial hair. On the other hand, I think this is the scruffiest that I've been in quite a while.
It's been a lazy day today at the Sietch. My initial plan to go back to the "classic" HBO era and watch either Six Feet Under or The Sopranos resulted in me watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine instead (and I can't fully explain how THAT happened). I've been snacking on less than healthy instant noodles and such and supplementing it with more robust tuna. Oh, and I've had both coffee and cake. So yeah, it's been a predominantly junk-ish morning.
And now I need to get myself back to sleep once more and see how things from there. I'll deal with the facial fuzz come my third shower today that I have planned before work. The humidity is just horrible and I find myself feeling all icky and oily more often than not. It may be the rainy season, but it doesn't mean that the discomfort of our climate is tied solely to heat. It's about all that ambient moisture in the air that's just making the act of walking feel like wading through a fog of sweat or something. Bleh.
And I've gotten a lot of blogging done. So yeah, it has been a largely uneventful day. And that's not necessarily a bad thing.
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