01429: Set Course for Geekery

A large part of this single period has been largely introspective and reflective and not necessarily sociable. I do try my best to put myself out there and more or less "experience" the single life and all of its various aspects (both good and bad).

Autobot Broadside
And one of the things that I've enjoyed doing is getting more fully in-tune with my geeky self again. And it's not like I lost it over the course of the past year or so, but more than I had opened myself to other new experiences at the cost of some geekery here and there. And while I don 't regret any of the choices that I've made along those lines, I'm glad to be back where I feel I truly belong.

And there are a lot of ways to be geeky, especially for someone with as diverse a range of interests as mine. Thus it means more toy hunting expeditions or watching ridiculous amounts of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episodes or even just spending a Saturday night with friends playing board games. It may not seem like much, but the various little geek activities that have filled up my free time since the break-up.

As part of my finding a path forward, it's clear that embracing my geek self and celebrating my fandoms and my passions seems like the most natural track for me. And I don't think that's a bad thing at all - it's definitely a part of my personality that helps define me and is worth being proud of.

And it's not like I wasn't on this track before. This journey started back in 2006 when I created my other blog, The Geeky Guide to Nearly Everything, and eventually was more embraced when I met the other geeks in the New Worlds Alliance back in 2007. Then Tobie really helped take my geekery to the next level when he helped me celebrate my passions along with introducing me to new ones like the exciting world of tabletop gaming.

Being a geek is a core part of my life. And any path forward needs to include that. Any friends that I make moving forward need to be able to appreciate that as well. And of course any romantic entanglements that I get into also need to involve equally witty and geeky guys who can like me for more than my physical appearance, the way I speak or other specific aspects that do not represent me as a whole.

I am Rocky Sunico, and I am proudly a geek. And no one can (nor even try to) take that away from me.
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